Welcome To Beyond The Pens ! 


Founded in 2021

Beyond The Pens Is A Not For Profit Family Run Charity Organisation That Collects And Donates Stationery Schoolastic Materials To Underprivileged School Going Children And Families In Rural Uganda, East Africa.

The Organisation Collects And Donates Schoolastic Stationeries Such As Pens, Pencils, Colored Pencils, Exercise Book's, White Board Marker's, Calculator's, Pencil Sharpeners, Eraser's, Felt - Tip Pensens, Refills , Colored Papers, Scrap Books, Stapler's And Staple's, Hole Punches, Glue Sticks ,High Lighter's , Permanent Markers, Ruler's , Scissors, Protractors , Correction Pens / Staple's, Art's And Craft's Supplies , Text Books And Work Book's.

The Stationeries Are Collected From Around The World From Donor's And Good Whishers Then Donated To Underprivileged School Going Children And Families In Rural Communities Of Uganda.



The aim Of Beyond The Pen  Is To Provide Scholastic stationery Materials To rural primary schools in Uganda particular to young school going children as some families struggle to provide the necessary equipment of stationery items.
 This is to ensure that every child gets a fair start at school and has the opportunity to achieve his or her desired dreams .

Beyond The Pens Vision Is To See That Every Child In Rural Uganda Doesnt Skip A Class Because Of A Pen Or Any Stationeries.

Beyond The Pens Also Believes In The Creative Of A Pen And Thus Giving  A Rural Child The Same Opportunity To Prosper And Become Creative Through Art Drawings As A Child In The Urban Areas Or Town Of Uganda.

Get Involved


There Are Many Volunteer Opportunities Both Online And Offline To Volunteer with Beyond The Pens Organisation Depending On The Amount of Time You Can Commit To And The Type Of Volunteering You Are Interested In.

 Beyond The Pens mission is to see that every school going children in Uganda gets the opportunity to study and have a bright future a head of him or her and not be stopped because of schoolastic materials.

Volunteer Opportunities available With Beyond The Pens Include; 


You  Can Remotely contribute And Help Beyond The Pens Organisation  Through ; 

Online volunteering which  refers to volunteer activities completed, in whole or in part, using the Internet and a home, school, telecenter, or work computer or other Internet-connected device, such as a smartphone or a tablet Onlone volunteering is also known as virtual volunteering, remote volunteering or e-volunteering. 

visit our Online Charity Shops


Beyond The Pens Relies On The Income From Online Charity Shops To Support The Organisations Ground  activities Throughout The Year Of Donating Pens and schoolastic Materials Throughout The Country.

The Artworks And Services Being Sold Are A Partnership From Various Creative Volunteers And Artists Around The World Who Partner With The Organisation To Create Artworks And Services With Proceeds Going Directly To Support The Works Of Beyond The Pens In Uganda.

So Why Not Come In And Purchase Something And Support Beyond The Pens activities And Mission On Ground.